Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
The Patented New FDA and Health Canada Approved Patented
Low-Level Laser Lipo Technology at Slim U Canada Inc. is one device that offers the science, the support, and the results that have allowed it to emerge as a leader in this market.
Typical results have proven to be substantially more effective and consistent than traditional competitors. Read on to discover answers to FAQs and contact us in Vaughan, Ontario if you’re ready for a free consultation.
• Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment before undertaking a new health care regiment.
How Does It Work?
How Does It Work?
The New Patented Laser Lipo represents the most recent and advance technology that can help diminish unwanted fat.
The Laser technology works with a cold laser conductor that is placed directly on the skin over areas to be treated for 20, 40, to 60 minutes.
Each area of the body is treated in 20 minute frame times.
(One may do one body area, 20 minutes, two body areas, 40 minutes or 3 body areas 60 minutes)
Originally designed to speed up healing, doctors noticed that the cold laser technology would also liquefy fat cells painlessly.
In contrast to liposuction, the non-invasive Laser Lipo does not remove the fat cell; it drains it.
The fat can be metabolized normally by a healthy person, reshaping body contour by inch loss each week.
The Laser Lipo treatment emits laser energy to stimulate the fat cell membranes, changing their permeability lose their round and intracellular fat is released. Then the fatty triglycerides flow out of the disrupted cell membranes and into the interstitial space, where they gradually pass through the body's natural metabolic functions with no harmful physiological effects, to be used as an energy source for the body.
When the laser radiates the adipocytes (adipocytes are present in the adipose tissue and store energy as fat),
the contents of the cells move out of the cell membrane and become liquefied and are easily removed from the body.
The process does not alter neighboring structures such as skin, blood vessels, and peripheral nerves.
It is not merely the liquefaction of fat but instead, it is the instant breakdown of the fat cells.
The Laser Lipo is a cold laser and cold laser therapies have been safely employed for
more than 30 years in clinics throughout the world.
In fact, the initial purpose of low-level laser technology was for pain relief and cell regeneration for healing.
Laser Lipo is suitable for almost everyone however there are few conditions where it might not be suitable.
What Is the Difference Between the New Patented Laser Lipo
and Other Systems Which Destroy Fat Cells?
What Is the Difference Between the New Patented Laser Lipo
and Other Systems Which Destroy Fat Cells?
Other procedures which cost upwards of $10,000.00 or more kill and destroy the fat cells which are not a natural or healthy approach
for most people. They can cause adverse effects, scarring and is not a painless and safe option!
If you ever become overweight again,
the fat will be stored in uneven and irregular patterns because the normal fat cell distribution has been destroyed.
Click here to learn about why other treatments don’t work.
Are the Treatments Safe?
Are the Treatments Safe?
Absolutely! The New Patented Low-Level Laser Lipo treatments are completely non-invasive and patients experience no pain.
The low-level laser technology has been studied and used for
over 30 years for several biomedical purposes including wound healing, pain relief, and the treatment of inflammation.
How Much Are Treatments?
How Much Are Treatments?
Individual treatment programs vary depending on your body type and your particular goals.
Our treatment packages have the best promotions to which the
Clinic Director will go over with you at your free consultation.
What Are the Advantages?
What Are the Advantages?
- Immediate Results
- Non-Invasive
- No Injections
- Pinpoints Target Treatment Areas
- No Swelling, Bruising, or Dimpling Post Treatment
- Completely Painless
- No Side Effects
- Body Contouring and Reduction of Cellulite
- Reduction of Fat Cells
- Cell Regeneration
- Improves Circulation
Does It Hurt?
Does It Hurt?
no surgery, no anaesthesia, no needles, no recovery, no healing, and no downtime.
What Are the Side Effects?
What Are the Side Effects?
There are no side effects.
What Is the Maximum Number of Treatments a Patient Can Have Safely?
What Is the Maximum Number of Treatments a Patient Can Have Safely?
As a non-thermal, cold level laser therapy, there are no reported adverse events.
It is safe to treat a patient as many times as necessary in order to achieve his or her desired goal.
How Many Treatments Do I Require?
How Many Treatments Do I Require?
It depends upon what your goals are as well as how many inches you'd like to lose, tighten, or contour. The Clinic Director will consult with you before your first session.
I'm Already Dieting and Exercising.
Why Should I Get Laser Lipo Treatments?
I'm Already Dieting and Exercising.
Why Should I Get Laser Lipo Treatments?
It’s great that you are dieting and exercising but exercise alone will not spot-reduce. The Laser Lipo helps to spot-reduce and will enhance your workouts, providing you with faster results and may assist with increasing your metabolism as well as inch loss and tightening.
What Do the Treatments Involve?
What Do the Treatments Involve?
The standard protocol is 9 to 12 treatments.
Each treatment lasts up to 20, 40, or 60 minutes.
Clinics in the field have reported an average of up to 2 inches or more reduction of circumference using these protocols, although everyone is different and no results are guaranteed. There is no limit to how many treatments you can receive.
Who Can Receive Treatment?
Who Can Receive Treatment?
The Laser Lipo treatment for fat loss can be of benefit to many people. During our thorough consultation with the Clinic Director (Certified Technician), we will determine if you are a good candidate for the program and if fat loss will improve your health.
What Can I Expect?
What Can I Expect?
You can relax in a comfortable position and are free to relax, read and listen to music. Treatment time per area is 20 minutes. You can do one or multiple areas, therefore treatments can be 40 minutes / 60 minutes or even 90 minutes depending on how many areas of the body are being treated.
Why Can You Not Exceed 72 Hours Between Treatments?
Why Can You Not Exceed 72 Hours Between Treatments?
Clinical research shows that the pore created by the laser only remains open for up to 72 hours. To maintain the pore open over a period of time sufficient to get optimal results, treatments at least
every 48 to 72 hours are considered optimal.
When Should I Eat or Drink Prior to My Treatment?
When Should I Eat or Drink Prior to My Treatment?
It is important to not eat any food for 2 hours before treatment.
In addition, no food or caloric beverages should be ingested for a minimum of 2 hours following treatments—drink plenty of water, however.
Note that water should be consumed moderately prior to treatment whilst plenty of water is recommended following the treatment.
Being that the goal is to have the Low-Level Laser treatment affect existing fat content as well as have the body process the fats that get released. Any new caloric intake will simply reduce the effectiveness of this process.
Allowing the body to burn the released fats will work towards gaining optimum results from treatments.
Why Should Patients Avoid Alcohol During the Process?
Why Should Patients Avoid Alcohol During the Process?
There are two main masons about why alcohol should be avoided.
First, alcohol is a diuretic and it is critical that the body stays optimally hydrated throughout the treatment program. Second, and most importantly, alcohol is processed as fat by the liver which directly restricts the body's ability to process the newly liberated fat.
Once liberated, the fat that is not used up as energy to fuel the body's normal metabolic needs is processed by the liver using enzymes. The total amount of fat being processed at any given time is limited by the number of enzymes produced by the liver.
Alcohol is processed as fat by the liver using the same enzymes. So, when the liver is busy processing alcohol, it is not able to process the fat liberated. It can take the body up to 4 days after drinking alcohol to start processing fat again.
Hence, more time/treatments are required to achieve results.
Stimulating lymphatic drainage after treatment using one or a combination of the following:
whole Body Vibration Machine/ Infrared Sauna
(this stimulates the lymphatics further and engages the muscles to use the free fatty acids as an energy source)
How Critical Is It to Reduce Coffee During Protocol?
How Critical Is It to Reduce Coffee During Protocol?
Treatment protocol advises patients to reduce caffeinated products because caffeine is a diuretic and can dehydrate the body.
For best results, it is imperative the body remain well hydrated in order to process and release the fat more quickly as
it is released from the fat cell.
If the patients choose to drink caffeinated beverages, it is advised the patient drink twice whatever volume is consumed in addition to water.
For instance, if 8 oz. of coffee is consumed, the patient must drink an additional 16 oz. of water In order to remain hydrated.
How Is the Advanced Cold Laser Lipo Technology Different From Competitor Devices?
How Is the Advanced Cold Laser Lipo Technology Different From Competitor Devices?
Laser Lipo is differentiated by the PEA principle.
P = Patent
P = Patent
Probes are static on the skin. As a result, the Cold Laser Lipo penetrates the tissue in the shape of an egg allowing for better energy delivery to the tissue. This system also targets the stimulation of the body's lymphatic system to enhance treatment results.
When light enters tissue through the skin it is spread and forms a ball of light in the tissue. If a divergent beam of light targets a larger area rather than having direct contact (static on the skin), the depth of penetration is shallower, and the light ball in the tissue is flatter and wider.
E = Efficacy
E = Efficacy
Typical results with the new advanced patented Cold Laser Lipo have proven to be substantially more effective and consistent than traditional competitors.
The Cold Laser Lipo is effective in independently targeting diverse areas of treatment i.e. chin, back, arms, abdominal, thighs, buttocks, chest, etc.
Why Is Water Such a Vital Part of My Treatment?
Why Is Water Such a Vital Part of My Treatment?
Without the extra water, it will be more difficult for your body to eliminate the contents released from the treatment. Give your body the help it needs to carry away the toxins and other substances released by the body that was stored in the fat cells.
Does the Laser Emit Heat or Cause Freezing?
Does the Laser Emit Heat or Cause Freezing?
No. Low-level laser therapy is a light source treatment that generates light of a single wavelength. It emits no heat cold effect sound or vibration. Instead of producing a thermal effect low-level laser therapy acts via non-thermal or photochemical reactions in the cells, also referred to as photobiology or biostimulation.
Where Does Glycerol Go?
Where Does Glycerol Go?
Glycerol diffuses widely and rapidly throughout the total body water, passes through the bloodstream and appears in the urine. Additionally, glycerol is convened by the liver into a useful energy source: glucose.
What Should I Wear for the Procedure?
What Should I Wear for the Procedure?
Please wear loose, comfortable clothing that can be easily adjusted, up or down.
What Is Released During Treatments?
What Is Released During Treatments?
Triglycerides: water, glycerol, and free fatty acids.
What Happens As the Laser Hits the Fatty Tissue?
What Happens As the Laser Hits the Fatty Tissue?
The laser disrupts the external membrane of the fat cell, inducing lipolysis.
How Long Does the Procedure Take?
How Long Does the Procedure Take?
The procedure usually takes 20, 40 to 60 minutes, per body area, plus 10 minutes for the vibration platform post-treatment.
Where Is Fat Stored Under the Skin?
Where Is Fat Stored Under the Skin?
Fat is usually stored in the subcutaneous layer and is located approximately 8-10mm below the surface of the skin. The laser targets this area.
Where Do the Free Fatty Acids Go?
Where Do the Free Fatty Acids Go?
Once the free fatty acids leave the cell and enter the interstitial space, it is then absorbed by the lymphatic system. Additionally, when combined with oxygen, free fatty acids produce energy.
Why Is Post Whole Body Vibration Exercise Protocol Important?
Why Is Post Whole Body Vibration Exercise Protocol Important?
The underlying mechanism with whole body vibration is elicitation of muscular activity. The effects include increased blood flow. Increased oxygenation and heat and release of hormone response comparable to that found after resistance type exercise, vibration exercise elicits a mild cardiovascular activity and muscular mechanisms of fatigue, requiring energy.
While fat in the form of fatty acids is a very desirable energy source, it is dependent on the presence of oxygen to be useful. All these activities create the need for energy.
The vibration platform primarily acts by stimulating muscles thereby creating the need for energy. FFAs released by the Lipo Laser combine with oxygen to produce energy.
In circumstances where energy is required by the body more quickly than oxygen can be delivered to the required location, the body will switch to its less energy efficient anaerobic system.
When the body is using one of its anaerobic energy systems, it cannot utilise FFAs, but will simply generate less energy and will sustain greater glucose depletion. This glucose is obtained from the released glycerol and its conversion in the liver.
What Medical Conditions Cannot Use the Laser Lipo?
What Medical Conditions Cannot Use the Laser Lipo?
Pregnancy, epilepsy, immunosuppressive disorders, thyroid gland dysfunction, uncontrolled hypertension, pacemakers, cancer, heart disease, cardiac arrhythmia, liver or kidney disorders.
Is Lipo Laser Therapy Scientifically Documented?
Is Lipo Laser Therapy Scientifically Documented?
Yes. There are thousands of published studies that describe the positive effects of laser therapy. These studies range from studies on individual cell types to in vivo double-blind cross-over studies.
The areas of study range from wound healing to musculoskeletal conditions and have been conducted on different types of laser devices. Medline is a very good database search engine that can provide abstracts and can sell literature. There are also many books on the subject.
How Quickly Will I See Results?
How Quickly Will I See Results?
Most patients will net measurable results after each treatment.
Each person is different and results vary.
One person may lose 2 inches off the abdominal area the first treatment (comprised of the upper/middle and lower stomach measurements),
while others may lose 1/2 Inch.
Each treatment builds upon the one before it and eventually, you will start losing Inch after Inch.
Results from 100 patients have shown typical loss of up to 1/2 inch to 2 inches or more per treatment (comprised of the upper/ middle and lower stomach measurements). Results do vary depending on the client’s initial size, metabolism, health history,
water intake, body composition, and compliance to protocols.
See sample inch losses here.
How Much Can I Expect to Lose?
How Much Can I Expect to Lose?
Everyone is different so results will vary however the majority of clients lose one dress size in a period of 3 to 4 weeks.
The success of the treatments depends on your body's ability to detoxify emulsified cellular debris.
Therefore, not all patients will obtain the same outcome at the end of the three to four-week therapy.
Some may lose one full size or even two sizes in a four-week course which we have seen, however, some will not lose a full size in three weeks and will require more treatments to obtain their goal.
This being said it is very hard to determine what the results will be at the end of a treatment course as everyone is different
(ie. health history, past cosmetic procedures, metabolic disorders, hormonal imbalances, thyroid issues, compliance to protocols, etc).
Why Do Some People Lose More Inches Than Others?
Why Do Some People Lose More Inches Than Others?
The physiological ability to process fat has genetic variability from person to person. Variations included the function of the lymph and digestive system as well as possible metabolic abnormalities. Every person is different and will differ with their inch loss results.